Design dit spil
Design dit eget KLASK spil til din klub eller virksomhed og gi' dine kunder eller ansatte en mulighed for at bryde vanen.

Design dit spil
Design dit eget KLASK spil til din klub eller virksomhed og gi' dine kunder eller ansatte en mulighed for at bryde vanen.

Design dit spil
Design dit eget KLASK spil til din klub eller virksomhed og gi' dine kunder eller ansatte en mulighed for at bryde vanen.

Design dit spil
Design dit eget KLASK spil til din klub eller virksomhed og gi' dine kunder eller ansatte en mulighed for at bryde vanen.

KLASK spillet – Your Way

KLASK game ? your way


Lær hvordan du designer dit eget spil

Hvis du har nogle specielle design ønsker som ikke kan laves på denne hjemmeside, så kontakt os venligst.

Forventet leveringstid er 5-10 dage efter at betalingen er modtaget.

Hvis du ønsker at købe mere end 50 stk, så kontakt os venligst.

Pris pr. stk.

Varenummer: custom-klask Varekategori:

Yderligere information

Vægt 0.9 kg

Køb dit KLASK


    Indhold: 5 x magneter, 3 x kugler, 1 x spiller & håndtag, 1 x beskyttelsesark
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    Så er spillet altid nemt at finde. Skruer og spil er ikke inkluderet
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  • KLASK 2

    KLASK 2
    Det originale KLASK spil. Sjovt for alle. (KUN TIL NORDISKE LANDE)
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  • KLASK 2 DK

    KLASK 2 DK
    Et designet KLASK spil. Sjovt for alle. Dansk flag version.
    Læs mere

    Et designet KLASK spil. Sjovt for alle. USA flag version.
    Læs mere
  • KLASK 4

    KLASK 4
    4 spillere, 4 gange så sjovt. (KUN TIL NORDISKE LANDE)
    Læs mere

Spil dit KLASK

Klask is not just a game. It?s a fun way to meet new people and engage with them. It?s a way to break with all the barriers for a good conversation. It?s simple and fun. Here?s a quick guide how to get started.

?Our clothing brands are of high quality, so it is important when we put our brands on other products that we sell to customers, that we can vouch for the quality, design and functionality. KLASK with our brands is a super good way to tell the story about our brands, through a cosy game?

Christian Bisgaard, Ejer, Urban Brands

?Our customers work in the sports industry where it is important to win on the field as well as outside the field. KLASK with our brand matches well in that atmosphere and contributes to brand our company in a fun and exciting way. It lifts the mood in any customer relation when you can gather around a game which is easy to get started with and quick to finish. Most of the times we use KLASK when we deliver a project as a positive and fun end to a nice installation. ?

Lars Offenbach Poulsen, Sales & Marketing manager, NKI Kunstgræs

?It is important for me that the work I do as photographer is unique and that the customer can see that there is passion and personality behind. KLASK with my own brand fits perfect in that frame and matches my personality well. It is a unique product that only I can make ? just like my photos.?

Morten Degn, Fotograf

?I received a KLASK game for my 60 birthday, with my own picture on and it was a cool and unique present. There is only one Kim KLASK game in the whole world. We played a lot at the birthday party and I have played the game almost every time I am having guests. A special gift, that I appreciate a lot.?

Birthday present, Kim Frølund

“We create happy memories every day when the Bakken is open, and we have many different people visiting us. Therefore, KLASK with our brand fits our company well. With KLASK we can create happiness and conversation amongst our customers and KLASK is easy and intuitive to learn and play. The game brings out our inner winning instinct, which is an extra dimension that our customers can take with them home ? besides the happy memories.?

Bo Thomas, Ejer, Almas Terrasse & Hulen, Bakken

Er du klar til at designe dit eget KLASK spil?
Her er nogle eksempler på andre designede KLASK spil til inspiration.


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